Machine to machine authorization in Azure AD
Azure AD Authorization
Authentication in Azure AD B2C
Deep dive into Azure AD Authentication
Aggregate string concatenation in TSQL explained
Code navigation in loosely coupled project architecture
Use VS Code to prettify XML and JSon code
Transitive Group queries in Azure AD Graph API
Advanced late hotfix scenario in Git
SQL Backup Helpers for PowerShell
Fun with certificates in WIF
Roslinq stable released
Fun with F# unit testing
Announcing release of Roslinq - library for C# code queries
Object initializer code fix with Roslyn using TrackNodes extension method
TGD.NET talk about .NET Compiler Platform
.NET compiler platform (aka Roslyn) syntax API
Network communication debugging in .net
Explaining ASP.NET vNext Configure method on OWIN example
Advanced git features in GUI
Beyond SOLID - what else is important while maintaining existing enterprise systems?
Code mutation with Roslyn
How to pass a parameter to a RDLC subreport
JSon result and datetime in ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI
Ninject in WebForms application
iTextSharp PdfPCell border style
How to generate sample data on the fly
When to use git merge --squash
Server side valdidation for angularjs SPA
ASP.NET bundles usefull in angularjs development
Why Jekyll?
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